Sam Rainsy registers name in voter list

Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader Sam Rainsy has registered his name on Monday in the voter list at the registration station located in the commune of Chak Angre Ler, Meanchey district. By registering his name he’s able to apply to become a lawmaker in parliament. Speaking to reporters afterwards, he said that this was just a normal process to have one’s name in the voter list like normal citizens. When asked if he plans to be a candidate for a lawmaker’s seat in the Cambodia National Rescue Party, he said he hasn’t yet thought about it. … In 2009, Rainsy was sentenced in absentia to 12 years in prison for uprooting border posts with Vietnam and forging public documents. But in July, 2013, around two weeks before the election was held, he was granted a royal pardon by King Norodom Sihamoni, allowing him to return to the country to lead his opposition party. …

The Cambodia Herald News Staff